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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Burris Turned Away From Senate Chamber

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Roland Burris – Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s pick to replace Barack Obama in the Senate – was turned away from the chamber this morning after presenting credentials the secretary of the Senate deemed incomplete.

Senate Sgt. at Arms Terrance Gainer escorts Illinois Senate Appointee Roland Burris

Although the rejection was expected, the circus-like atmosphere surrounding the appointment has angered the Congressional Black Caucus, whose members are becoming increasingly upset over the Burris controversy.

Burris told reporters Tuesday that he’d been informed his credentials “were not in order” – that “I would not be accepted, I would not be seated and I would not be admitted on the floor."

Standing at a rainy press conference outside the Capitol, Timothy W. Wright III, one of Burris’ lawyers said he believes the move is “against the law of this land.”

“We were not allowed to be placed in the record books,” Wright said. “We were not allowed to proceed to the floor; all of which we think is improperly done and against the law the land.”
The problem, of course, is that the Illinois Secretary of State has refused to sign off on Burris's appointment. This actually brings up an interesting question; is it required?

Some argue that the signature is just a formality and an "extra-constitutional requirement." On the other hand, constitutionally speaking, the handling of elections is left up to the states. You could argue that this puts Illinois law above the Constitution in this case. But, to grow a third hand, Burris wasn't elected -- does this create a loophole?

We live in interesting times.

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