And while the Republicans continue to wallow in their flop sweat and hypocrisy, with the news of the Panetta pick for the CIA, the Democrats show that they are once again the unparalleled masters at fratricide: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who this week begins her tenure as the first female chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said today that she was not consulted on the choice and indicated she might oppose it. In picking Panetta, Obama risks raising anew questions about the politicization of the CIA, a concern cited by leading congressional officials. |
A very good point by John Cole. Feinstein's judgment on security issues is extremely suspect, since -- as he points out --- she voted for "Porter Goss, George Tenet, and Michael Hayden, as well as Mike Mukasey, Robert Mueller, and Donald Rumsfeld" without complaint. Looking at that track record, her opinion isn't worth a whole lot.
Shut up and get with the program, Diane.
Shut up and get with the program, Diane.