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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

As Expected, FOX Superserves the 'Tea Parties'

Here's a big surprise. TVNewser breaks down the coverage of the teabagger protests and finds that the networks that gave them the most time were FOX Business News and FOX News Channel.

Mentions of the tea parties:

-FBN -- 78
-FNC -- 55
-CNN -- 36
-MSNBC -- 32
-HLN -- 24
-CNBC -- 17

For the acronym challenged who are wondering what the hell HLN is, that's CNN's Headline News. TVNewser reports, "During his report on The Situation Room, CNN media critic Howard Kurtz characterized the coverage this way: 'Fox News sees today's tea party tax day protests as a big story, CNN as a modest story and MSNBC as a great story... to make fun of.'"

Bonus fun, watch CNN reporter Susan Roesgen get manhandled by moronic, right wing teabaggers.

These things remind me of nothing so much as a McCain/Palin rally. It's that same heady mix of stupidity, crackpot conspiracy theorism, and unfocused anger.

Thank goodness these lunatics lost the election.

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