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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Griper Blade: The Hitler Hypocrisy

'Yes We Can' poster featuring Hitler'Obama is Hitler. It's just that simple. See, Barack Obama's stimulus package is just like Hitler's in that it relies on military spending and conquest to... No, wait, that's not it. Obama's stimulus package is more like FDR's. If anyone is the historical opposite of Hitler, it's Churchill or Franklin Roosevelt.

So Obama's like Hitler because he took a national disaster -- like the Reichstag fire or 9/11 -- and capitalized on it to whip the populace up into a frenzy of fear, eventually leading up to the unprovoked invasion of a nation that had nothing to do with said disaster. Obama's Hilter and Iraq is Poland... Oops! That's George W. Bush I'm thinking of.

No, Barack Obama is exactly like Adolf Hitler because people say so. You don't need an analogy or parallel, it's just true. So shut up, turn off your damned brain, and listen to the nice shrieking voices from conservative media. Obama's Hitler because Glenn Beck says so, Ann Coulter says so, and Sean Hannity says so. Obama's a fascist, until he's a socialist. That these are polar opposites (fascism was founded to counter leftism) and constitute a political oxymoron is beside the point. Socialist fascism makes as much sense as pro-slavery abolitionism. But conservative media carefully guards their audience's ignorance, so there's no way the people being told about President Obama's socialist fascism know any of that. Not that they'd want to know anyway. Wingnuts tune in to wingnut media precisely because it preserves their ignorance. Knowledge is for liberal elitists; the real "folks," as Bill O'Reilly refers to them, believe what they're told to believe, because that's what real Americans do. That O'Reilly's constant references to "the folks" would be a literal translation of Hitler's term der volk is certainly lost on his audience. They don't know things like that because they don't want to know. What they know is only what they want to know and it doesn't make any difference whether or not it's true. "The folks" get to decide for themselves what's true. And what's true is that Barack Obama is exactly like Hitler... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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