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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Griper Blade: The Easter Bunny of the Apocalypse

If you Google "Obama homosexual Easter egg," the first result of your query is "Obama to Worship Jesus with Homosexual Child Molesters," from the reliably insane

It's a little Google jitsu trick; if you want get a mainstream piece about LGBT issues, you use the term "gay." If you want to get the lunatic take on it, you use "homosexual," because the religious right contends that homosexuality is a curable disorder. I guess they figure "homosexual" sounds clinical and, if they use it often enough, they'll create the impression that it's a disease. It's not really working, though. But they keep doing it because, as any right wing nut can tell you, if something's not working, it just means you're not doing enough of it -- if tax cuts fail to help the economy, for example, it just means you need more tax cuts. Don't be surprised to see articles about "homosexual Homosexuals who practice homosexuality" in the near future.

What has the right pegging the crazy-meter is the fact that President Obama has invited gay and lesbian parents to participate in the annual White House Easter Egg Roll this weekend. It's almost a sure bet that a man will hold a man's hand, that a lady will hug a lady, at which point western civilization will collapse.

Associated Press:

Gay family

The White House is allocating tickets for the upcoming Easter Egg Roll to gay and lesbian parents as part of the Obama administration's outreach to diverse communities.

Families say the gesture shows that the new Democratic administration values them as equal to other families. And for many, being included in the annual tradition -- dating to 1878 -- renews hope that they will have more support in their quest for equal rights in matters such as marriage and adoption than under the previous administration.


White House officials said that tickets for Monday's Easter Egg Roll event were distributed to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender organizations, but did not specify how many or to which ones. Representatives from Family Equality Council, Human Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and other groups confirmed they were invited and encouraged to have their members participate.

Clearly, this marks the beginning of the end for the republic... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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