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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tea Party Organizers Say Their Goal is to Protect Health Care Status Quo

Here's confirmation of what anyone with a brain already knows -- opposition to health care reform is motivated by a desire to keep the status quo intact.

Greg Sargent, The Plum Line:

On a private conference call, a group of top Tea Party and conservative organizers offered a surprisingly frank description of their goal, according to a source on the call: Completely blocking any kind of bipartisan compromise, and completely preventing any type of health care reform bill at all from ever becoming law.

The source who got himself on the call was an organizer for the AFL-CIO, and AFL-CIO spokesman Eddie Vale provided me with the organizer’s notes. It’s certain to be seized on by Dems to argue that organized Tea Party opposition to Obama has no constructive intentions and is fomenting public “concern” about Obama’s plan solely to prevent any reform from ever taking place. GOP officials would argue that they don’t share these goals.

The call consisted of representatives of top conservative groups, such as the American Liberty Alliance, the “Tea Party Patriots,” and, the AFL-CIO’s notes say.

"The goal is not compromise, and ANY bill coming out this year would be a failure for us," the moderator said, adding that "the Democrats will turn even a weak bill from the Senate Finance Committee into Canadian-style single-payer through underhanded implementation."

Another organizer said, "The purpose of Tea Parties is not to find a solution to the health care crisis -- it is to stop what is not the solution: Obamacare."

No health care reform. Of any kind. Ever.

"Hah!" you're thinking (assuming you're a wingnut), "This is one of them there 'union thugs!' It's lies, I tell you. All lies!"

Not if you ask the organizers of the call. Sargent called Corrine Williams, a spokesperson for the American Liberty Alliance, to confirm and was told "that the above sentiments may have been expressed during a Q and A at the end of the call, though she doesn’t think the exact language was the same."

"But Williams did confirm that the movement’s goal is to prevent the current compromise bill from becoming a reality, because it represents Obamacare," he reports. "She said no audio of the call exists."

Thinks these people give a damn about you? If you're yelling idiocy at a town hall, you're helping these people screw you.

And that makes you a chump.

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