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Monday, September 28, 2009

Griper Blade: Another Republican Revolution?

Republicans are going to take over. It's inevitable. People aren't happy with congress and this means that, since Democrats are in control of both chambers, we're in for a big, big change. It's a lead pipe cinch. A sure bet. No contest. The republican base is excited, the Democratic base is disappointed. The pendulum has begun to swing.

At least, that seems to be what a lot of people think. Democrats better watch out, a lot of pundits are saying, because 2010 could be 1994 all over again. You wait and see. Republicans, with their tea bags and Hitler mustaches are on the march!

Of course, you know what I think of the analytic and prognosticative powers of the punditry -- for the most part, they don't exist. Still, you get stories like this, from Reuters:

When Republicans see signs that Americans are having doubts about President Barack Obama's healthcare proposals and economic policies, they see opportunity as they plot strategy for 2010 elections.

Cuffed around in the 2006 and 2008 elections by Obama's Democrats, the Republican Party is looking for a way out of the political wilderness and many in the party think Obama himself may hold the key.

While Obama is not up for re-election until 2012, the congressional elections in November 2010 are likely to be seen as a referendum on his leadership.

Some Republicans even feel safe saying things that are demonstrably untrue. "We're a party that doesn't believe in spending money we don't have," says former Massachusetts Governor and 2008 also-ran Mitt Romney. "And Republicans that can show that they have been fiscally conservative will stand in stark contrast to the extraordinary deficits and forecasts of even greater deficits that are coming from the Democrats."

I guess we're supposed to forget that those "extraordinary deficits" come from George W. Bush and that these "fiscally conservative" Republicans were all for spending money hand over fist just months ago. This proves only one thing; Republicans have a very low opinion of your intelligence... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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