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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Limbaugh, Robertson Get Eaten Alive by Olbermann

See, here's my problem in a nutshell; I can't do what Olbermann does here without swearing. At least when I gave it a shot, I managed to call Limbaugh and Robertson "useless." But then I went and backed it up with "Jackasses."

Partial transcript via Raw Story:

Mr. Robertson, Mr. Limbaugh, your lives are not worth those of the lowest, meanest, poorest of those victims still lying under that rubble in Haiti tonight. You serve no good, you serve no God. You inspire only stupidity and hatred, and I would wish you to hell. But knowing how empty your souls must be for you to be able to say such things in a time of such pain, I suspect the vacant, purposeless lives you both live now are hell enough already.

Amen to that.

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