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Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Party of Ideas -- 20% of the Time

How is this anything other than an admission that the party lacks ideas?


GOP leaders have privately settled on a strategy to win back the House by putting the vast majority of their money and energy into attacking Democrats — and turning this election into a national referendum on the party in power.

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia, one of 10 leaders who attended a strategy session in Annapolis, Md., this week, said the party will attack Democrats relentlessly for the stimulus, health care and cap-and-trade bills. Internally, Republicans call it the “80-20 strategy,” which, loosely interpreted, means spending 80 percent of the time whacking Democrats and the remainder talking up their own ideas.

Given the GOP's recent history, spending 20% of their time talking about Republican ideas is actually unrealistically ambitious. If you're a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives, I've got some advice for you; don't use contractions, it'll stretch things out a bit for you.

Quadrupling that 5% is really going to be a challenge.

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