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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

News Roundup for 1/19/10

Ron Burgundy
Bill O'Reilly

-Headline of the day-
"O'Reilly laments that you can't make fun of Arabs anymore: 'What has changed in America?'"

Remember country and western comedian Ray Stevens? Yeah, no one else does, either. I was surprised he wasn't dead.

Anyway, he's created a hilarious new video that makes fun of Congress for trying to put everyone in front of a death panel and instituting communism or something. It's all completely wrong and stupid, which is why it's a big hit among the teabagger crowd.

So Blowhard Bill had Ray Stevens on, began an in-depth discussion of Stevens' storied career and they finally got to Ahab the Arab (See? Now you know who he is, don't you?).

"So 48 years ago -- 48 years ago in this country we could make fun of Arabs..." Bill complained. "We could make fun of people in a general way, and certainly, Ahab was the Arab was a general parody. But now, we can't. What has changed in America?"

I'll tell you what's changed; we've come to realize that Ahab the Arab is just a plain stupid song. People are making fun of Arabs all the damned time -- and Jews and blacks and Mexicans and the Chinese and Mormons and the Amish and hillbillies and on and on and on.

Geez Bill, watch something other than your own damned show sometime. (Think Progress, with video)

-Pat Robertson has competition...-
...for world's biggest asshole. And it comes in the form of Dr. Wesley Stafford, who says that Haitians are just plain evil.

"Haiti... has been a disaster in almost every way long before this ever struck," Wes told Focus on the Family. "And it is a nation, between you and me, I guess, that Satan has had absolutely free reign in that nation. And while the missionary effort and the church effort has been enormous, this is a nation that you can literally feel the evil in it."

So who is Dr. Wesley Stafford? According to the report, he's "president and CEO of Compassion International."

You know, banging your head on it like that is bad for your keyboard... (Raw Story)

-Bonus HotD-
"Dems Take Comfort From High Turnout In Boston."

Blue, blue, blue Beantown is turning out for Coakley in Massachusetts' special senate election. In related news, pollster John Zogby predicts a narrow Coakley win (although, with some reservations).

Keep your fingers crossed. We might just hear a "they wrote us off, but we showed them!" speech tonight. (Plum Line)

-Sign of the Apocalypse-
Los Angeles had a tornado warning today.

No, really. (Associated Press)

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