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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Griper Blade: RNC's Steele Dragging the Party Down

SteeleThere is no doubting the fact that Democrats are in a bad place right now. Polls show that, unless things change, Republicans stand to gain some real ground in Congress this fall. Of course, anything can happen between now and then but, for the time being, things look pretty bleak for dems. In my opinion, this has more to do with the inability of Senate Democrats to get their act together and behave like a party than anything -- although, there's some blame to be cast in the house as well. Bart Stupak and his crowd also decided that the best thing to do in an election year was to drive a wedge into their own party. The entire intra-party healthcare debate reminds me of the sheriff in Blazing Saddles holding a gun to his own head. Only, in this case, holdout Democrats carried out the sheriff's threat.

Party discipline? What's that?

If they want some good news, Democrats aren't going to be able to look in their own backyards -- that place is a wreck. They're going to have to look to the mess in the neighbor's yard. Luckily, that place is a wreck as well and sitting atop the rubble is Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele... [CLICK TO READ FULL POST]

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