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Monday, April 05, 2010

Griper News: News Roundup for 4/5/10

Do the math; he's saying pretty much everyone's a racist

-Headline of the day-
"Michael Steele calls his critics racist."

Poor Mike Steele. Just because the RNC was caught with a fundraising strategy memo that was insulting to donors, spends stupid amounts of money on private jets and posh hotel rooms, had some guy spend an even more stupid amount of money at a West Hollywood bondage-themed, lesbian sex show stripper bar, and sent out mailers with the phone number of a phone sex line on them, everyone's out to get him. It's so unfair!

Well, he's had enough! No more pussy-footing around. Mike was on George Stephenapodapolos' TV show, were the subject of how much everyone thinks he sucks came up. According to the report, "Asked if 'as an African-American' he has 'a slimmer margin for error than another chairman would,' Steele replied: 'The honest answer is yes.' Steele went on to explain that, like Barack Obama, he has had to contend with racism as someone who is 'not ole boy network.'"

Seems a little late in the game to suddenly notice rampant racism in the Republican party...

Teabagger with misspelled, racist sign

...but there ya go. Some people are just slow on the uptake, I guess.

Still, when racism among the Republican base was brought up before, Steele's take on things was just a little different.

[McClatchy Newspapers:]

Heated debate has surrounded what role race plays in the motivations of the tea party demonstrators. During protests last summer, demonstrators displayed a poster depicting Obama as an African witch doctor complete with headdress, above the words "OBAMACARE coming to a clinic near you." Former President Jimmy Carter asserted in September that racism was a major factor behind the hostility that Obama's proposals had faced.

The claim brought angry rebuttals from Republicans. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who is black, accused Carter of playing the "race card."

Of course, racist or not, they're right about one thing, Mike; you really suck at this job. (Daily Beast)

-That's not what you said before-
John McCain is a maverick. The maverickiest maverick that ever mavericked his maverick way down that long, dusty maverick trail.

Except now John's in a tough primary battle. That "maverick" thing might play in the general election (where, let's face it, it didn't play well at all), but in a Republican primary? No way. The base wants robot clones who all think and do and say the exact same things that all the other robot clone robots do. "Maverick" just ain't gonna fly.

So Gramps took the opportunity to set the record straight in a Newsweek interview. "I never considered myself a maverick," he said. "I consider myself a person who serves the people of Arizona to the best of his abilities."

Wow, I'm confused... Then who's this guy?

And what's this all about?

Someone ought to find out who's been impersonating John McCain. It's a clear case of identity theft. (Politico)

-Bonus HotD-
"Florida Doctor Warning Away Obama Voters Admits He Doesn t Know What He s Talking About On Health Care."

In other words, Dr. Jack Cassell is a typical Republican voter. (Think Progress)

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