Take that, NAACP! Teabaggers were out in the thousands dozens yesterday for a "Uni-Tea" rally designed to prove just how not-racist they really are. Things did not go well:
The crowd apparently peaked at about 500, so not extremely impressive. I guess a rally without all the racism doesn't seem very attractive to a lot of teabaggers.
Bonus fun, a quick look at all that diversity:
White person, white person, white person, white person -- Ooh look! A black lady! -- white person, white person, white person, white person.
Wow, it's like a freakin' rainbow.
(h/t for video: Chico Brisbane)

Talking Points Memo:
It was billed as the most diverse tea party rally ever. For three hours Saturday afternoon, we waited for the diversity to show up.
Was Saturday's Uni-Tea rally in Philadelphia a success? Well, it depends on your definition of "epic fail." If you're more on the defensive end of the tea party spectrum, you would have left the rally this afternoon even more convinced that the movement is not now about race and never has been. If you're the kind of tea partier who'd like to see that abounding not-racism result in some actual demographic diversity in the movement, the Uni-Tea rally appeared to be a borderline disaster.
The crowd apparently peaked at about 500, so not extremely impressive. I guess a rally without all the racism doesn't seem very attractive to a lot of teabaggers.
Bonus fun, a quick look at all that diversity:
White person, white person, white person, white person -- Ooh look! A black lady! -- white person, white person, white person, white person.
Wow, it's like a freakin' rainbow.
(h/t for video: Chico Brisbane)