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Friday, March 18, 2011

Stories to Watch: 3/18/11

I posted earlier about a judge's decision temporarily blocking Gov. Walker's union-buster. But I failed to mention that the move was absolutely, positively, without question the very worst thing ever! Dear sweet Jesus, save us!!

At least, according to the wingnut blogosphere. I apologize for neglecting to report the fact that it's the end of the freakin' world. Now here's the news...

Are we on the brink of war with Libya?

The GOP's small government philosophy in action: have an abortion, get an automatic audit from the IRS. Just to be clear, it's small government for corporations and the wealthy, but a big ol' honkin', intrusive government for you. Huzzah for liberty!

The Japanese government finally admits that radiation leaking from a damaged nuclear plant is deadly. The plant's chief breaks down in tears at the news. The Japanese PM leaves out the sugar-coating, telling his nation, "We will rebuild Japan from scratch. In our history, this small island nation has made miraculous economic growth thanks to the efforts of all Japanese citizens. That is how Japan was built."

Paul Krugman states the obvious: Washington in general and Republicans in particular have given up on the unemployed.

Meanwhile, Minnesota Republican want to make it illegal for people on public assistance to carry cash. You think I'm exaggerating -- I'm not.

Rep. Anthony Weiner makes Shelly Bachmann look like an idiot. Not really much for shooting at the moving targets, is he? Still, always fun to watch.

Finally, a new poll shows that most Americans support marriage equality.
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