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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stories to Watch: 3/19/11

I saw a robin the other day, which is the traditional sign of spring. But I knew it was spring when I saw flies in the backyard. Robins? Who needs them? When you've got insects, things are obviously turning around. Now here's the news...

French fighters are now enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya, as President Obama's rhetoric becomes more bellicose.

Radiation-contaminated food is found 90 miles from the Fukushima plant and "slight amounts" of radioactive iodine have been detected in Tokyo tap water. A food scare is so not what the government needs right now.

And what's the absolute worst case scenario for Fukushima? Pretty goddam bad. According to one expert, it's possible that the area around the plant could become uninhabitable and that an area "as large as several northeastern states" would be affected. That last estimate would include sea area, obviously.

RIP Warren Christopher.

Super full moon tonight, so go out in the backyard and read a book.

Ironically and hypocritically, James O'Keefe doesn't want to appear on video.

Finally, Greg Sargent reports that the GOP is testing what he calls "hard-core anti-union messages" in polling. He says this is "another sign that some folks may be getting mighty nervous about the Dem drives to recall Wisconsin GOP state senators."

They should be nervous.
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