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Monday, April 18, 2011

Stories to Watch: 3/18/11

If Mary can appear on a grilled cheese sandwich, then Kate Middleton can appear on a jellybean. It just stands to reason. Now here's the news...

The Koch brothers seem to be getting a little nervous.

Need a scary tax-day story for your weekly column? Do what the NYT's Ross Douthat did -- pull one out of your butt.

ProPublica's series "The Wall Street Money Machine" wins a Pulitzer, marking the first time "a prize was awarded to reporting that did not appear in print," according to NYT. Remember that the next time you read some crap about how much a piece of legislation weighs on Politico.

Here's a weird thing: when Charles Manson speaks out, only the right wing blogosphere listens.

Fiscal sanity alert: John Boehner hires a seriously big-money lawyer to defend the Defense of Marriage Act -- on your dime.

A Palin insider is writing what he promises will be a "chilling expose" of the Quitta from Wasilla.

Dave Weigel exposes Donald Trump as a fan of Canada's healthcare system, which makes him a commie.

Finally, Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn't talking about secession right now. It would be unseemly to do so while he has his hand out.
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