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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/2/11

Martin Luther King jr died on April 4th -- he was in Memphis supporting the right of sanitation workers to collective bargaining. Unions here in Madison will hold a weekend memorial today. Keep that in mind, the next time some rightwing nutjob says he was a conservative.

The Wisconsin Democratic Party says they'll have enough signatures to get at least six recall elections running for eight of the Republicans eligible.


President Obama wants most federal vehicles to be greener by 2015. Exceptions are "Certain specialized vehicles including those with law enforcement and security specifications." This includes the presidential limo, which is the worst thing ever!

Keep in mind that the presidential limo is basically a tank on a truck frame and you get why fuel efficiency shouldn't be a priority. Also keep in mind that, had Obama decided to replace the prez's tank with a fuel efficient car, these same wingnuts would be complaining about that, too. It's all about being reactionary.


If Barack Obama is reelected, the nation is doomed. DOOMED!!

The GOP is dropping serious money trying to erase an embarrassing video from history. In it, Rep. Sean Duffy talks about how hard it is to muddle through on only $174,000 a year. Sure, plenty of people have seen it, but that's not the point. The point is that it could wind up in a campaign ad. Did I mention that this is all happening in Wisconsin, were the GOP is currently running scared? Maybe I should have.

Finally, this is fun: House GOP bring in a rightwing scientists to debunk global warming, he doesn't stick to the script, and actual science breaks out.
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