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Sunday, April 03, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/3/11

I made a deep dish pizza last night which was just insanely good. I used this recipe for the crust, then just winged the rest. Seriously, this was the best thing I've made in a while and I'm a good cook. Breakfast today? Cold pizza. Now here's the news...

Just a reminder, the damage to the Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant is still an ongoing crisis. I can't be the only one detecting western media getting bored with the story, can I? It'd be interesting to see a poll tracking how many Americans think the problem's been solved.

New and shameful rightwing fad: apologism for Terry Jones, whose burning of the Quran left 12 UN workers in Afghanistan dead.

Obama weighs in on the budget standoff, displaying -- as he did with the healthcare debate -- his strategy of letting things spiral completely out of control before grabbing the yoke and trying -- too late -- to pull the whole thing out of a tailspin. Leaving everything up to congress didn't work when both chambers were Democratic -- why on Earth would anyone expect it to work any better now?

The GOP's big budget plan: slash entitlements for you, keep the insanely low taxation for corporations and the wealthy. Because that's been working so well for everyone.

For example: GE infamously paid no federal income taxes last year, which is apparently too large a tax burden. Ask Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), he'll tell you.

Finally, Donald Trump hates on America. At least, that'd be the spin if Barack Obama had said the very same thing.
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