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Friday, April 22, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/22/11

Rest in Peace, Nina Fulton. Now here's the news...

Dueling headlines: From Weigel; "If the Ryan budget is so unpopular, where are the town-hall meltdowns?" From ThinkProgress; "More Republican Congressmen Face Town Hall Backlash Over Tax Breaks For Wealthy And Medicare Privatization." It's easy to forget sometimes that Dave Weigel's a Libertarian.

Speaking of that townhall backlash over Ryan's budget, Super-Genius Charles Krauthammer thinks Ryan ought to run for president. Jennifer Rubin agrees. What planet do these people live on?

Polling shows Americans oppose raising the debt limit -- in big numbers. I think if the media actually explained what raising the debt limit means (i.e., paying the bills) people would be a lot less freaked out by it.

Finally: in other polling news, the New York Times edited out mention of the huge percentage of Republican birthers in their report on their latest polling.
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