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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Stories to Watch: 4/23/11

Another short one. Tomorrow's Easter, what do you expect? Now here's the news...

Ann Althouse finds a Krugman metaphor about shooting zombies just too, too distasteful. Remember when people on the right used to call people on the left "the perpetually offended?" Yeah, they can stop doing that now. All rightwing bloggers seem to do anymore is go out of their way to try to be offended.

How do you get people to sign a petition to recall a Wisconsin Democratic state senator? Bribe them with free alcohol, of course.

Susan Collins is the first GOP senator to publicly oppose Paul Ryan's fantasy-economics porn.

At least one Republican knows what the Boston Tea Party was actually about.

Finally, BP's getting a $13 billion dollar tax credit -- for cleaning up oil they spilled in the first place. For the record, that's more than the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency. Want to reduce the deficit? How about we close some extremely brainless loopholes?
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