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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/24/11

Bratwurst on the grill tonight. Envy me. Now here's the news...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before congress today. Congress' reaction to the speech is probably best described as obsequious. An extremely good take the congressional reaction here. And good take on the actual policies here and here.

Also on the subject of Israel in American politics; The Onion nails it.

If I wanted to start naming a "Jackass of the Day," I might start with GOP Rep. Billy Long, who represents Joplin, MO. Of course, there's also Eric Cantor. Or maybe Peter Fonda. GOP Rep. Pete DeGraaf? See, that's why I don't do it -- too many jackasses.

Jonah Goldberg reinforces my opinion of him by wishing with all his little heart that Paul Ryan would run for president. This is a dumb, dumb man.

There's a special election in New York's 26th congressional district today and it's looking like the Republican is assuming she's not gonna win it.

Herman Cain continues to make a complete fool of himself.

If he ran for president today, Texas Gov. Rick Perry would not win Texas. Not even close.

Despite the economy, violent crime is at its lowest in 40 years.

Finally, is this just the worst candidate imaginable or is my imagination not creative enough?

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