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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/25/11

It's fifty degrees outside. Fifty freakin' degrees. At this rate, we'll all be in parkas by the Fourth of July. Now here's the news...

Bill Clinton returns to his Democratic Leadership Council roots. These days, we call them "Blue Dogs."

Newt Gingrich is a freakin' windsock. First he was against the Paul Ryan plan, no he's trying to be the most vocal defender.

Meanwhile, Tiffany's line of credit to the Gingrichs is starting to look a little bribe-y.

Ed Schultz calls Laura Ingraham a "rightwing slut," which is both unfair and inaccurate. She's a rightwing fuckwit. It pays to be precise with the nomenclature.

Jared Loughner, whose shooting spree killed several and severely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, is found mentally incompetent and unfit to stand trial.

The GOP engages in cannibalism. It's never too early to begin eating your own.

Obama's approvals hit a 16-month high, with 53% approving and 41% disapproving.

Most in Wisconsin favor a recall of Gov. Scott Walker, an election Scooter would -- unsurprisingly -- lose. Voters would also rather have Democrats control the state senate. Dark days ahead for Fitzwalkerstan.

While Democrats and Republicans wrangle over the effect Paul Ryan's Medicare-slaying had on NY-26, it might pay to point out that it's about as dead as it can be. Still, the GOP wants to pretend it's alive and Democrats have no reason to stop them from doing so... So zombitude it is. Never let it be said that Republicans know when to take their losses and move on.

Finally, Fox News big Roger Ailes really is a paranoid lunatic.

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