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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/26/11

I'm making shredded BBQ beef tonight. Want the recipe? You take a round steak, stick it in the crockpot, and pull it apart with two forks when it's done. Then you make some BBQ sauce, cut up an onion, and heat it all in a skillet. That's not exactly a "recipe," you say? It's as close to one as I get. Now here's the news...

The GOP's red state dreams for Wisconsin are quickly going down in flames. This time, polling shows that President Obama would trounce any GOP candidate here.

Sarah Palin tries to whip up excitement for Sarah Palin with a pro-Sarah Palin bus tour. Expect excitement to fail to be whipped up.

Savor this moment, because it may be the last time in your life you ever see Sen. Rand Paul do the right thing. Unfortunately, it's for the wrong reasons.

Tim Pawlenty dooms his chance at presidency by praising Paul Ryan's Medicare-slaying. This puts him in the same camp as the ever-popular Dick Cheney.

Vermont has singlepayer healthcare.

Them 'bagger freshmen do love them some pork.

Finally, this may very well be the worst piece of legislation to pass the House of Representatives in your lifetime.

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