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Monday, May 09, 2011

Stories to Watch: 5/9/11

I thought I was going to have those javascript animated buttons up at the Tumblr blog this weekend, but it turned out not to be the weekend I imagined it would be. It was better. Which means I was out, not getting work done, pouring beer into my face -- like a good Wisconsinite. The buttons can wait. Now here's the news...

Rightwinger Byron York looks at the entire 2012 GOP presidential field and finds a winner -- none of the above.

Newt Gingrich announces that he'll announce his candidacy on Wednesday. You read that right, he's announcing his announcement. This isn't the actual announcement, this is the announcement of the announcement. I think I've got his campaign motto: "Gingrich '12: Watch This Space."

Erick Erickson strangles Jon Huntsman's candidacy in its crib, because Erick Erick the most important little pundit ever.

Donald Trump once allowed a black man to win a game show, which proves he's the least racist person on Earth. Unfortunately for The Donald, said black man does not agree with that assessment.

Polling shows that the Republican Party splitting into two parties is becoming more realistic as time goes on.

Krugman breaks with political fashion by using the word "elite" correctly.

Sen. Rob Portman is not the most popular man on campus... at least, not at the University of Michigan Law School.

Finally, in the special election to fill the NY-26 seat, Jane Corwin continues to sink after backing Paul Ryan's fantasy-economics porn.

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