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Sunday, June 05, 2011

Stories to Watch: 6/5/11

Beautiful weekend. Finally. Now here's the news...

If Somolia is the nation that most resembles Libertarian Utopia, what's the Republican paradise?Nicholas Kristof argues that it's Pakistan -- pretty convincingly.

Sarah Palin demonstrates how Republicans alternate praising "American exceptionalism" and running the country down.

Remember how the GOP was going "repeal and replace" healthcare reform? Yeah, they're still working on that "replace" part.

Climate scientists in Australia face death threats.

How shitty can religious extremists be? This shitty: Georgia Republicans would not only overturn Roe v. Wade, but would require miscarriages to be investigated as possible crimes.

For all the talk about Republicans and Iowa, polling shows that any Republican would lose the state to Obama in the general -- by a wide margin.

Finally, Wisconsin progressives set up a "Walkerville" at the state capitol to protest what can only be described as a corrupt budget.

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