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Saturday, June 04, 2011

Stories to Watch: 6/4/11

Gotta go mow the lawn. I hate mowing the lawn. Who talked us into growing a crop that we harvest every week, just to throw it away? Now here's the news...

Mitt Romney's admission that global warming is real and that humans have a hand in it gets the predictable response from the rightwing blogosphere; "OH MY GOD, MITTENS IS A COMMIE BASTARD!" Reality must never be allowed to intrude on Wingnutopia.

In other "wingnut-blogosphere-freaks-out!" news, the religious right news source CNS News reports that China has divested itself of 97% of its US treasury bills. Needless to say, the rightie blogs are going nuts. Just as needless to say, no one else is reporting this. The closest I could find was a Financial Times story reporting that "China reduced its holdings in March to $1,145bn from $1,154bn in February, and down from a peak of $1,175bn in October" -- i.e., nowhere near 97%. CNS is a bullshit factory.

Smoking Gun has the skinny on @Goatsred, one of the Tea Party nuts behind the "Weinergate" story. Suffice it to say that hardcore conservatives are very, very strange people.

Donald Trump renews his threat to run as an Independent.

RIP Lawrence Eagleburger.

Finally, Michele Bachmann continues to be ridiculous.

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