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Friday, June 03, 2011

Stories to Watch: 6/3/11

Weekend ahead! Now here's the news...

Mittens says that global warming is real and that humans contribute to it. Expect this embrace of reality to be called a "gaffe" more than once.

It was not a good day for John Edwards.

RIP James Arness.

John Huntsman says he'll make an announcement soon.

Gallup asks, "Do you think our government should or should not redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich?" and finds that Americans are split. Imagine what the results would've been if they hadn't have used the language of Limbaugh. Seriously awful, awful wording there.

Apparently, Paul Ryan believes the military is exempt from math.

Finally, is Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett -- who lost the Wisconsin gubernatorial race to Scott Walker -- up for a recall election rematch? The last poll I saw on the match-up had Barrett winning by seven.

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