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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/16/11

It's going to get hot up here. Well, that is, hot for up here. We're talking mid to high 90s. We're not used to this stuff. We'll puff up like the pasty white Pillsbury Doughboys most of us are. So get used to hearing us complain a lot about that. Now here's the news...

More details emerge about Team Obama's reelection fundraising. If Republicans don't read that and worry, they should.

Speaking of Obama, he threw Elizabeth Warren under the bus last night. No word on who will be nominated in her place to lead a consumer protection bureau. Of course, anyone who's not a rabid teabagger won't have any easier time being confirmed, so it's hard to see the point in dropping Warren.

House GOP leadership turn to Rep. Paul Ryan to talk some sense into freshman on the debt limit. Probably not the worst idea ever.

Wow. The race to recall Wisconsin Democratic state Senator Dave Hansen just got really, really weird. The Republican running against him, David VanderLeest, has to deny smoking crack and a history of domestic abuse. The problem is, there's a paper trail. Also, when denying you're a crack head, saying "I don't smoke rock" is less than convincing. Vanderleest's interview with Wisconsin Public Radio's Joy Cardin is here.

What's more important than raising the debt ceiling for House Republicans? Stopping the evil that is curly light bulbs.

The woman behind the News of the World phone hacking scandal, Rebekah Brooks, gets a £3.5m golden parachute. That's about $5.6 million.

Murdoch's ties to British PM David Cameron are almost certain to cause Cameron trouble.

Finally, the Ninth Circuit Court upholds a ban on discharges under DADT.

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