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Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Stories to Watch: 7/6/11

I barely slept last night. I don't know what the problem was, but all I did was toss and turn. Hoping for better luck tonight -- I'm certainly exhausted enough. Now here's the news...

GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions complains that asking the wealthy to pay their fair share is "rather pathetic." Greg Sargent calls the Republican position on the issue "surreal."

The Ninth Circuit Court reaffirms that DADT is unconstitutional and reinstates a ban on its enforcement anywhere.

The rightwing blogosphere is horrified to learn that ACORN is getting taxpayer dollars -- despite the fact that there's no longer any such thing as ACORN. Hey, if you can't freak out over imaginary problems, what can you freak out about?

President Obama calls Republican hostage-taking like it is.

John Boehner's new rules for the House of Representatives are turning that chamber into a hopeless mess of incompetence and error. There's a reason why Republicans think government doesn't work -- they suck at getting it to run.

Finally, Swing state voters agree with liberals that the wealthy should pay more. No doubt, Jeff Sessions finds them "pathetic" as well.

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