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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/13/11

Rained all night and it is humid. I went out last night for a bit during a break in the rain and you could actually see the steam in the air. I walked into an air-conditioned store and my glasses fogged up. No foolin'. Now here's the news...

Michele Bachmann is definitely not winning friends in the media. At an event in Iowa, CNN's Don Lemon gets pushed around, which brings to mind Bachmann campaign staffers manhandling ABC's Brian Ross about a month ago. This is beginning to look like a habit -- and not a good one.

Of course, Bachmann was in Iowa for the Ames Straw Poll today. The cable networks are giving the poll wall-to-wall coverage, making it the most important near-meaningless event of the week. It's a poll of self-selected respondents, like an online poll. The words "not scientific" should be plastered all over the coverage. It may weed out a candidate or two who never should've run in the first place, but that's about it.

Norman Podhoretz is a jackass. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, he whines about the right being "attacked" by liberals -- then he calls the president an "anti-American leftist." When he gets "attacked" (i.e., criticized) for that, he'll probably whine some more. It's becoming a running theme on this blog because it's true; modern conservatives reflexively play the victim card. Look at Sarah Palin. Her entire argument seems to be that she deserves to be a presidential candidate because the press is so mean to her. It's always about skinned knees and personal grievance.

David Axelrod "attacks" Rick Perry on national teevee! Oh, the horror...

And the brutality keeps coming as Joe Scarborough "attacks" Michele Bachmann.

Rick Perry makes it official.

Sarah Palin unveils her plan to give herself a heart attack.

Finally, this is great. After Standard & Poor's said that Republican default-denialism contributed to it's downgrade of America's credit rating, GOPers now say they never said that default wouldn't happen or that it wouldn't be so bad. Call it default-denialism-denialism. But Brian Beutler has a list of names and details and... Well, the GOP is slinging bullshit here.
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