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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/14/11

Michele Bachmann wins the Iowa Straw Poll, but Tim Pawlenty gets all the headlines today by dropping out of the race. Ron Paul came in second, so expect Paulistas to become especially insufferable. Keep in mind that neither Mitt Romney nor Rick Perry competed in this contest -- their vote totals are from write-ins -- so it really means a whole lot of nothing.

The White House weighs political realities and concludes that next to nothing can be done about the economy. The thing is, if there's one person in the position to change political realities, it's the President of the United States. It's called "leadership."

What will be Rick Perry's biggest liability on the campaign trail? If the press is on the ball, it'll be the fact that he's crooked.

Rep. Jim Clyburn sees the deficit reduction "super-committee" as an opportunity to restore the middle class. Needless to say, this is the worst thing ever.

Shittiest headline of the weekend: "CNN/ORC Poll: Dem support for Obama's re-election fades," from CNN. The poll results show that 70% of Democrats want Obama to be the party's nominee. Golly, but he sure is screwed, huh? Taegan Goddard takes the same story and fixes the headline, "Democratic Base Solidly Behind Obama."

Bachmann can write off the unemployed as potential voters, because they'd have to be fools to vote for her.

Finally, Ron Paul speaks out against abortion -- because using the power of government to force women to give birth against their will is a triumph of fucking liberty.
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