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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/20/11

Good show. Good time. I was up way too late though. Now here's the news...

One-time Tea Party fave Chris Christie has been taking stances lately that are politically incorrect for a one-time Tea Party fave. After saying "crazies" were responsible for rampant Islamophobia and Sharia paranoia on the right, he now says he believes global warming is real and humans contribute to it. This is a man that some on the right still hold out hope will run for president. But in the party's current basketcase condition, no freakin' way.

John Huntsman, who is actually running, also does his best to rule himself out as the nominee. Only nuts are allowed.

Liberal activists and union folks are giving GOP lawmakers a hard time at townhalls over the recess. Sound familiar? Yeah, if this is how Republicans want to do politics, this is the way we're going to do politics. It's your bed, GOP. Now lie in it.

Disappointing news out of Wisconsin; Russ Feingold says he won't run for any office in 2012, meaning both the gubernatorial recall and the seat opening with Sen. Herb Kohl's retirement are out. It's a real pity, because polling either race was all his.

Karl Rove thinks Sarah Palin will run. I think it wouldn't make any damned difference and who cares? Of course, Karl's just running with the Bushies and trying to drum up excitement for anyone but Rick Perry. But, as Howard Finemann points out, Karl played a big part in Perry's current popularity in the first place. Those neocons, always running around putting out fires that they themselves set.

Finally, do you think Rick Perry's an idiot? Ronald Reagan's chief domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett invites you to join the club.
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