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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/21/11

Breaking Bad again tonight. Best show on TV. Now here's the news...

Rep. Maxine Waters does not think much of the Tea Party. They're not happy with being told to "go straight to hell," but with polling showing them less popular than even atheists and Muslims -- two groups the 'baggers frequently attack -- they get to suck it.

Hypocrisy and phoniness, thy name is Rick Perry -- in more ways than one.

Charles Koch responds to Warren Buffett's op-ed calling for higher taxes on the rich by claiming that being one of the nation's top polluters makes him a boon to mankind. To paraphrase Spiderman; with great power comes a great big freakin' ego.

The obvious becoming clearer and clearer (and, you hope, more and more undeniable); the NYT reports that pretty much everyone who knows is warning that GOP politicking, posturing, obstructionism, hostage-taking, and boneheaded ideological certainty is driving America straight toward an economic cliff. James Fallows calls it a must-read.

Former New York Gov. George Pataki may be the next shiny object the media fixates on -- Gov. Rick who?

File under "confirmation of the obvious": a close look shows that the Tea Party is authoritarian, not libertarian.

Finally, what Republican voters -- and especially Tea Partiers -- believe is 100%, perfectly bass-ackward wrong. Example; Republicans want to raise taxes, while President Obama works to stop them.
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