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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/30/11

Rainy and just a little chilly. Summer is slipping away. Now here's the news...

A lot of people are wondering if Rick Perry already has the nomination sewn up. Seems way too early to make this a two man race between Perry and Obama, but the media and punditry like things simple, so there's some attraction to (and bias for) that narrative. Taegan Goddard throws a monkeywrench into the narrative by pointing out that there are five post-Labor Day debates coming up and Perry sucks behind the podium. This is the allure of the undefined candidate; he's a big movie screen you can project what you want onto and he's whatever it is you want him to be. Then the debates come up, he opens his mouth, and spoils the fantasy.

People have been demonstrating against the Keystone pipeline for days now and the media won't give the issue the time of day. What's it take to get coverage? A headline like "Daryl Hannah Arrested at White House." Sucks, but I'll take it.

American University professor Allan Lichtman has called every election correctly since Ronald Reagan's reelection. This time around, his forecasting model picks Obama.

All Dick Cheney's book has accomplished is to remind everyone what an awful person he is.

Christopher Hitchens takes on Rick Perry's in-your-face religiosity. This doesn't go well for Rick.

Right-leaning pollster Rasmussen finds that 43% view the label "Tea Party" negatively, compared with 29% viewing it positively.

In related Tea Party news, Alan West doesn't want Michele Bachmann drilling in the Everglades. Unrest in the 'bagger house. Meanwhile, noted non-witch Christine O'Donnell gets kicked out of the Tea Party.

Finally, Glenn Beck really is just a jackass.
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