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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/31/11

I'm beta-testing Firefox 7. I've got to say, it kicks ass so far. The major improvement is a far more efficient memory footprint, which really makes a huge difference. This is a much more lightweight browser, without all the workhorse clunkiness I've come to expect from FF. Now here's the news...

President Obama schedules a major jobs address before a joint session of Congress for the same day that a Republican presidential debate is scheduled. One is a constitutionally mandated duty of the president, while the other will be a partisan event identical to a handful of other partisan events that will happen in the coming months. Guess which one John Boehner thinks needs to be rescheduled?

The fact that the president chose a joint session, rather than a television address, suggests his jobs plan will be a lot more ambitious that Republicans will like.

Headline in The Hill: "Cantor in tricky spot on disaster aid." Try, "Cantor stuck in hole he dug himself."

Illinois State Senator Deborah Mell marries another nice lady -- in Iowa. Illinois allows civil unions, but not same sex marriage. Here's hoping this is one step of many toward changing that.

The New York Times editorial board comes to the shocking realization that Republicans don't like poor people very much. Wait until they find out how they feel about Muslims!

Republicans don't want you voting, either. Especially if you're one of those dirty hippy college students.

Even GOP Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska knows that the proposed Canadian tars sands pipeline is a bad idea.

Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic destroys Dick Cheney.

Finally, even Evangelicals are moving away from hating the gays.
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