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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Stories to Watch: 9/1/11

Still using Firefox 7 beta, still liking it. In fact, other than the slim memory usage, it seems identical to 6. Now here's the news...

Does Barack Obama have a secret plan to win the election by making millions of illegal aliens citizens so they'll vote for him? Wingnut Reps. Mike Coffman and Louie Gohmert think so -- and that should tell you all you need to know.

Mediaite's TOmmy Christopher thinks that John Boehner should resign for putting a Republican presidential debate a presidential address to congress. Maybe he should, maybe he shouldn't, but it's never going to happen in a million years. Roger Simon reports that the White House is "furious" with Boehner, though.

Everyone knows that Mittens Romney has a healthcare reform problem. But what most people don't know is that Rick Perry went above and beyond Romneycare, by proposing a joint healthcare plan with Mexico. I don't know enough about it to say whether it was a good idea or not, but it involves big gummint healthcare and Mexico, so the 'baggers should hate it.

Bonus fun: as Texas Ag Commissioner, Perry also praised Hillary Clinton's healthcare proposal. So Mexico, healthcare reform, and Hillary Clinton.

Condoleezza Rice simply does not care for Dick Cheney's book. NJ Gov. Chris Christie isn't a fan of Eric Cantor's hostage-taking on Hurricane Irene relief.

Surprise: it's illegal for unmarried couples to live together in Florida -- and state Republicans want to keep it that way.

The White House downgrades the 2012 jobs forecast.

Finally, so much for being the "sane Republican" -- John Huntsman's just-released tax plan is as insane and unfair as anyone else's in his party.
Joe Lieberman continues to be a jackass.
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