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Monday, October 17, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/17/11

There probably won't be any morning post tomorrow. I've got some projects I need to finish up around here (most notably, replacing a kitchen faucet) and then that night I'm going to see Boris at the Majestic Theater. Gonna be awesome. So my day's pretty much all planned out. Other posting may be limited -- depends one how much trouble that faucet gives me. If you're looking for something to fill the time, check out this Boris playlist on YouTube and thank me later. One of my great loves is the sound of a humbucker pickup running through a big tube amp. Now here's the news...

Krugman defends Occupy Wall Street from Wall Street -- masterfully, as always.

Liberal media? What liberal media?

Saturday Night Live is totally the reason that Rick Santorum's campaign isn't taking off like wildfire. Totally. If they ever stop making victim cards, Rick's going to be out of arguments.

Gallup finds that half of America would back marijuana legalization.

Wingnut outrage of the day: a Texas high school Spanish class has the audacity to teach students about the dreaded Mexico. Kids recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance and sing the national anthem, which automatically makes them Mexicans who should be deported -- because it's illegal to be Mexican. Clearly, this is the worst thing ever. What's next, celebrating Bastille Day, like the dirty Canadians?

This ought to be good; Eric Cantor is scheduled to give a speech about income inequality. He's says he's against it, but it kind of looks a lot like he's also going to come out for it. It's a cake-apalooza -- Cantor tries to have his cake and eat it too, while delivering the GOP's "let them eat cake" economic message.

Herman Cain, defender of your God-given freedom to get hammered and drive.

Finally, Rick Perry's campaign plans to go fullblown anti-Mormon on Mitt Romney. The details are pretty ugly.
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