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Monday, October 03, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/3/11

Polling shows that most people expect Barack Obama to lose reelection. I look at the GOP field and I'm a lot less convinced. Still, polling influences polling, so don't write it off.

How to talk to news media -- in particular, Fox News. If you're planning to ever protest anything, watch this and see how it's done.

The Transportation Workers Union in NYC will go to court "in hopes of blocking New York City from forcing bus drivers to transport any Occupy Wall Street protesters after the New York police department commandeered at least three buses to take many of the 700 protesters off the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend." The report says this will happen today, but no update and it's getting late.

Bob Inglis argues at Bloomberg that dealing with global warming is the conservative thing to do. It's a pretty solid argument, but I had a lot of trouble getting past this first paragraph: "Normally, the country can count on conservatives to deal in facts. We base policies on science, not sentiment, we insist on people being accountable for their actions, and we maintain that markets, not mandates, are the path to prosperity." Don't worry, you'll stop laughing eventually.

Evidence that straw polls don't mean shit; after Herman Cain wins a straw poll in Florida, an actual poll shows Mittens Romney has him by four points in the state. Bonus fun; Gingrich beats out Perry.

"Class warfare" ain't what it used to be. The gazillionaires complaining about this can officially be called "whiners."

Finally, Sarah Palin is nobody.
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