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Friday, October 07, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/7/11

Last time I checked, it was 82 degrees out. Eighty-freakin'-two. I have to grill burgers. I have no choice. Now here's the news...

It's come to this; Rick Perry has an ad out attacking Mitt Romney for being concerned about the environment. Perry's clearly going for the asshole vote -- i.e., those people who buy the least fuel efficient vehicles they can find, just to piss Al Gore off.

Speaking of Mittens, he made a foreign policy speech to day that was a hopeless mess of inane and paranoid nonsense.

Steve Benen takes on GOP economic flateartherism; "In the GOP worldview, the economy will improve when hundreds of thousands of public-sector workers lose their jobs. That may sound ridiculous -- and it is -- but it's also a central tenet to the Republican employment policy. Remember what House Speaker John Boehner said earlier this year, told that his budget plan would force hundreds of thousands of government employees into unemployment? 'So be it.'"

Also from Benen; You may have heard that Harry Reid invoked the "nuclear option." That's only true if you completely redefine what "nuclear option" means.

The White House responds to Eric Cantor's assertion that Occupy Wall Street is a "mob," calling it "hypocrisy unbound." To fully understand Cantor's argument, see my handy infographic.

Good news for President Obama; the birthers are still out there, making the right look like a group of idiots and mental patients.

The Obama administration takes Alabama to court, seeking to overturn their insane anti-immigrant law.

Finally, the return of the glitter protest.
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