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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

News Roundup for 11/9/11

Smoking Man from X-Files
Mark Block

-Headline of the Day-
"Mark Block is making a laughing stock out of Herman Cain."

Actually, I'm thinking that Herman Cain Train has already left the station. But it turns out that the wingnuts are just starting to catch one.

See, Cain's campaign manager Mark Block is making some waves today after claiming that the campaign had "confirmed" that the son of one of the women accusing Herman of sexual harassment works for Politico.

And here's how that confirmation process apparently went; Block gets on that there Google machine, types in the name of one of the accusers -- "Kraushaar" -- then types in "Politico" (because they broke the story originally) and there ya go. Up pops "Josh Kraushaar."

Bingo! You've got your scapegoat unethical journalist conducting a smear campaign against a True American Patriot. It makes perfect sense to believe that Josh is the woman's son -- if you assume that Karen Kraushaar was the first person in the history of the world to ever use that last name.

Surprisingly, it turns out she's not. Josh is some other woman's son. In fact, Josh doesn't even work at Politico anymore and, since he left for National Journal in 2010, has never written a danged thing about Herman Cain's way with the ladies.

So of course, everyone's after the Cigarette Smoking Man's head now. Everyone wants him gone, because he's the only person standing in the way between Herman and his rightful place on the Throne of the King of the United States. "If he can’t do any better than this, he needs to go," writes whatever wingnut writes stuff at The RightScoop. "In fact, I think it is probably best for Herman Cain’s survival that he dumps Mark Block and gets someone more professional and thorough in there to run his campaign."

They may not yet realize that Herman Cain is toast, but they're all starting to get that Mark Block is a dope. Block would be lucky if a conservative lets him run a Burger King after this. (RightScoop)

-Cain gets back on message-

Click to embiggen

I get it! (McClatchy)

-Bonus HotD-
"275,000 People Want MSNBC To Fire Pat Buchanan."

Since no one asked me, go ahead and make that 275,001. (ThinkProgress)
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