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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/1/11

OK, so I've got the widget working. It still needs some CSS tweaks (and probably a complete redesign after that), but it works for now and that's what matters. Thanks to frequent commenter Vet for a very helpful suggestion. So now my problem is that the widget doesn't resize videos. No big deal, really. I've been tagging the Tumblr posts "#blogwire" and only feeding the RSS from those posts to the script. The widget actually allows more than one RSS feed, so I'll make a new tag on Diigo -- probably "videowire" -- and feed that along with the other. Diigo just posts the link and summary, so problem solved. When I put a video post up, look for "VIDEO:" in the headline. Now here's the news...

NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg again shows his Wall Street allegiance by talking bullshit about banks and the mortgage meltdown. To hear Mike tell it, Big Bad Congress marched on Wall Street, put a gun to bankers' heads, and made them bundle up bad debt into toxic assets.

Yes, Rick Perry really is extremely dumb.

As Bank of America drops their debit fee plan, Greg Sargent wonders if the big banks aren't getting a little skittish about Occupy Wall Street.

One of the women Herman Cain is accused of harassing wants to come forward, but is barred from doing so by the settlement agreement.

MF Global, under the leadership of former NJ Gov. and Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, collapses under the weight of its own fuckedupedness.

It's not really news, but Chick-Fil-A is run by one bigoted individual.

Possible big, big, big trouble for Mittens.

The rich congress critters get richer.

Finally, Solyndra hasn't cut American's appetite for solar energy. Nice try, GOP.
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