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Monday, November 28, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/28/11

Herman Cain gets out in front of his latest scandal, by breaking the news himself on CNN. A woman in Georgia claims to have had a 13 year affair with Cain -- something Cain denies. At this point, it hardly matters anyway.

You've probably already heard that Barney Frank is retiring when his term is up. He's giving Newt a good kick on the way out.

Revelations of a $13B secret bailout highlight one of the biggest problems facing America -- too big to fail. Bust the trusts.

Newt Gingrich's Potemkin campaign.

Fox News totally misrepresents a NYT op-ed. Imagine my shock.

Greg Sargent reports that Democrats are definitely going to make income inequality and the 99% an issue in 2012.

Krugman points out that if you want to reduce the deficit, you're going to have to tax the rich -- a lot. Needless to say, this is the worst thing ever.

Congress is on the verge of wrecking the internet. Again I have to ask, if our deficit is such a big problem, why are we so eager to police companies' copyrights for free? This is something that the court system exists for -- if they want to protect copyright, let them sue like everyone else. I haven't noticed any media execs starving to death, so everything seems to be working just fine.

Finally, the GOP argument that the US has "the best healthcare in the world" is their other zombie lie.
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