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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/29/11

Is the Apple iPhone 4S anti-choice? "The evidence seems pretty damning," reports Gizmodo. Asking for directions to abortion clinics gets you sent to a anti-choice "pregnancy counseling center" or, if there aren't any in your area, the phone comes up empty. Ditto for searches for birth control. The good news is, you can still find hookers and Viagra. Note to Apple: IT stands for "Information Technology," not "Ignorance Technology."

I keep hearing pundits say that Mitt Romney's using a tortoise-and-the-hare "slow and steady wins the race" strategy that's working well for him. The thing is, there's no evidence of that. Mittens is slowly and steadily losing the race, according to Public Policy Polling.

Also from PPP, Gingrich is still on the rise.

The Tea Party continues to crash and burn.

Following a massive explosion at an Iranian military base, protesters storm the British embassy in Tehran. While the protest itself was over British sanctions, it's hard to believe that the explosion -- and worries that western powers and Israel are responsible -- didn't play a part.

Andrew Sullivan gets all master-racey. People forget that he is, in fact, a conservative.

Mitt Romney becomes the latest beneficiary of the "It's OK when Republicans do it" rule.

Anders Behring Breivik, the racist gunman who went on a killing spree in Norway, is declared legally insane.

Apparently, it's some sort of breach of journalistic ethics for an opinion columnist to have, like, opinions for real.

Finally, I'm genuinely astonished that anyone still gives a fuck what Donald Trump thinks. He's a clown, a game show host, and a publicity hound. He is most definitely not a keen political mind. Quit pumping him up like he's anyone important -- I'm looking at you, Mediaite.

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