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Saturday, November 05, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/5/11

Going to go out and deal with fallen leaves today. I'm not going to rake though; I've got a mulching mower, so I'm just going to run them all over and chop them up into tiny pieces. Way easier. If I could only clean house as easily. Now here's the news...

RIP Andy Rooney.

As Herman Cain's sexual harassment scandal shows some staying power, rightwing blogs begin shooting the messenger.


It's now illegal to even be in the vicinity of Occupy Oakland protesters, as Army vet Kayvan Sabeghi found out. According to Sabeghi, he was "walking to his home near Frank Ogawa Plaza when he was stopped by police." The police handed down a harsh street sentence for his proximity violation, as he was "hit in the abdomen four times and then arrested and taken to jail where he could not receive medical treatment." He suffered a ruptured spleen and had to undergo two hours of surgery. All for not participating in a protest, but for just passing by. "Sabeghi is out of surgery and is recovering in the intensive care unit," we're told.

"At one point he asked for assistance and they told him to stop taking heroin," his sister says. "Another time they told him he was an alcholic and a diabetic, neither of which are true."


Newt Gingrich threatens to act like a desperate fool.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer displays rank incompetence. And not for the first time.

Both McConnell and Boehner are getting a little weak at the knees when it comes to tax increases on the wealthy.

Finally, we're in for a near-miss from a giant asteroid, which allows us to ponder the inevitable -- one of these days, one won't miss.
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