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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/6/11

Made tuna melts on homemade sourdough last night. Envy me. Now here's the news...

Wingnut outrage of the day: OccupyDC protests a Koch event in Washington, where the rampaging commies attack a 78 year-old woman and brutally throw her down a flight of stairs. To prove it, John Hinderaker posts video -- which, unfortunately for him, doesn't show that at all.

John Boehner says members of his party aren't servants to the rich (while rushing to the defense of the 1%) and are all about cutting spending -- an argument Steve Benen knocks down effortlessly.

At a Koch event, Mitt Romney promises to take as much away from you as he can get away with, in order to continue tax cuts for the rich.

While the subject of his sexual harassment problems were off-limits at a Gingrich-Cain debate, that didn't stop Herman from totally screwing the pooch. A question about Medicare induced a "deer in the headlights" moment for Cain -- and he finally passed the question to Gingrich, like a contestant on a game show. Newt may be completely bonkers, but he's way smarter than Herman. Why Cain agreed to participate in what would so clearly become a fiasco for him is something I may never understand. This was just so utterly predictable.

5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma.

George Will applauds increased unemployment.

Finally, it's clear that constant questions about his harassment scandal are starting to get under Herman Cain's skin.
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