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Monday, November 07, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/7/11

In case you missed the big announcement, I've unveiled the Progressive News Must-Read Superfeed. It's an RSS feed combining 20 different sources and two topical sources that I can change to track the big news stories of the day. If you don't have an RSS reader, there's a handy web version here.

I'm still knocking the bugs out of it (some feeds have bad publishing dates and I'm trying to figure out how to fix that, because it screws up the way the feed sorts articles), so consider this way-beta. In fact, consider it notional. Still, it's a good way to scan news and commentary from some of the best progressive sources out there. If I ever get the dates problem figured out, I'll post the whole thing as an aggregator someplace.

And don't worry, I ran the whole thing through feedburner -- so no matter what changes I make to the feed, it'll always have the same URL. Now here's (more of) the news...


The wingnut blogosphere is in complete disarray after a fourth accuser got specific about Herman Cain's sexual harassment problem. First prize for Stupidest/Most Paranoid Conspiracy Theory goes to the always clownish Robert Stacy McCain:
Over the weekend at the AFP conference, several people told me that they had reason to believe this story was coming from Chicago. IYKWIMAITYD. And while this kind of suspicion has nothing to do with the truth or falsehood of the accusation, it is certainly interesting. While I have always suspected Team Perry of pushing the story, the idea that Team Obama might be responsible cannot be ruled out.
You want it ruled out? I'll rule it out for you -- no one on Team Obama is an idiot and Herman Cain is probably the candidate they'd most want to face in November 2012.


Wingnuts are treating Mitt Romney as if he were Obama now.

The IAEA determines that Iran is on the brink of being capable of developing nuclear weapons. Of course, this makes Rick Santorum especially stupid.

Krugman sees solar power as an inevitability. The question is, are we going to pretend it's not while the rest of the world leaves us in the dust?

Michele Bachmann basically argues that the retired and those on disability should starve.

The younger you are, the more screwed you are, economically speaking. Now, let's all laugh at those young hippies at OWS who think things are bad, OK?

Finally, more on the link between fracking and earthquakes. This is worrisome, worrisome stuff, folks.
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