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Friday, December 02, 2011

Stories to Watch: 12/2/11

I've tried a bunch of different ways to speed up rising bread, but the best way is still the way my grandma did it; use a heating pad on medium. Now here's the news...

Jon Huntsman's campaign emails a reporter, on whether he'll attend the Donald Trump/Newsmax celebrity game show GOP debate; "Lol. We look forward to watching Mitt and Newt suck-up to The Donald with a big bowl of popcorn." So I'm taking that as a no.

Unemployment numbers have dropped more quickly than expected, which is confusing on many levels.

The Republican War on Voting marches on.

Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus is a shameless liar.

Will disaffected GOP moderates run a third party candidate? Former NJ Gov. and Bushie Christine Todd Whitman says yes and Jon Huntsman's on the short list.

Insiders on both sides of the aisle have deep, deep doubts as to whether Newt Gingrich will be the nominee.

Finally, what was a hot item during the national Black Friday sales riots? Guns. I guess all that "peace on Earth" stuff is still a bunch of hooey.

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