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Saturday, December 03, 2011

Stories to Watch: 12/3/11

I'm heading out to petition to recall Gov. Walker -- in the cold rain, because he just sucks so much that's it's worth even that. So I'm a little pressed for time. Instead of the normal headlines, I'm putting up a collection of reactions to the big (i.e., ridiculous) story of the day. Now here's the news...

News that birther/carnival barker/game show host/publicity whore Donald Trump will moderate a GOP debate has the left -- and even some on the right -- nearly disabled by paroxysms of glee. A sampling:

This is an absolutely terrific idea. What better way to build confidence in the GOP primary process, and to reinforce the gravtias of candidates who are aspiring to be seen as prepared for the presidency, then to submit them to questioning from a reality-TV star whose appeal to conservatives is rooted in the fact that he spent his own short-lived freak-show presidential campaign questioning Obama’s citizenship, right up until the killing of Bin Laden wiped the smug, megalomaniacal grin off his face? -Greg Sargent

Yes, driving a clown car with a bumper sticker that reads, "Really people? Is this what the debates have come to!?" -GOP outsider candidate Buddy Roemer to Dave Weigel, on whether he'd attend

LOL. We look forward to watching Mitt and Newt suck-up to The Donald with a big bowl of popcorn. -Jon Huntsman's campaign, in response to a similar question from Business Insider

How do you say clown show? This is how –- Trump to Moderate Republican Debate. -Ron Beasley, The Moderate Voice

Candidates who take their candidacies for president seriously should follow [Jon Huntsman's] suit, and this should be a litmus test to demonstrate who is willing to admit that the charade of politics evidenced by a Trump-moderated debate is exactly the problem that the United States faces, and who wants to be the next political Snooki. -Colby Hall, Mediaite

That anyone would take Donald Trump seriously about anything is already a concept that is hard to fathom. That the Republican party would elevate him to moderator status for one of their 5705789 presidential debates is downright hilarious... or abysmally pathetic... or both. -GottaLaff, Political Carnival

It's hard to see how President Obama can lose with this competition. I almost wonder if they aren't throwing it deliberately. -Digby, Hullabaloo

Also, don't miss Conor Friedersdorf's "Top 10 Reasons Why It's Good That Donald Trump Will Moderate a Debate."
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