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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Stories to Watch: 12/22/11

The Republicans caved and I made pasties (ABC's Jonathan Karl was right on the money, BTW). It's a wonderful day. Now here's the news...

This Vander Plaats guys is starting to sound like a crook.

Ron Paul does not react well to substantive criticism.

On a related note, Mediaite's Alex Alvarez offers the poorest defense of Ron Paul's racist newsletter possible; this is all old news, the newsletter was years ago, Paul's already answered the questions. Let's see how that reasoning holds up in another context; this is all old news, the newsletter sexual harassment was years ago, Paul's Herman Cain's already answered the question. Didn't work the last time, not gonna work this time.

PolitiFact digs in on their embarrassing "Lie of the Year" flub.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner says he's sorry he's such an insufferable prick.

Mittens says his tax returns are a secret that you can't know about.

Hey Republicans, here's some of that election fraud you've been looking for.

Finally, while the White House doesn't exactly run a victory lap, they should.

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