Michigan's anti-union bill gets the attention of national Dems, including Pres. Obama. A massive protest is planned for tomorrow in Lansing. Here's why this whole story is more important than you may realize.
In a poll, South Carolina voters choose Stephen Colbert to replace retiring Sen. Jim DeMint. It'll never happen in a million years, since Tea Party Republican Governor Nikki Haley makes the appointment. But what an embarrassment for the person she does choose, huh? If it was an election, that person would've lost to someone who is quite literally a human joke. Expect Colbert to run with this tonight -- should be awesome.
Also hilarious: the Republican Party taps a couple of poll truthers to man a committee to figure out what went wrong with the 2012 presidential campaign. I'm certain that Democrats will quietly throw a party tonight.
Crusader against liberals on campus David Horowitz is a total lunatic.
Newark Mayor Cory Booker sets his sights on Chris Christie's job.
The rightwing National Review reports that John Boehner could face a challenge to his speakership from 'bagger nut Tom Price. The problem: Price says he's not. NR's reporting was based on "the buzz" in Washington and a whole buttload of reading between the lines... so,yeah. Your shitty "journalism" of the day. The "savvy insider" fails again.
Pres. Obama says he's willing to compromise to avoid the fiscal cliff -- but just "a little bit." I have no freakin' idea what this is supposed to mean and advise him in the strongest possible terms to knock this shit off.
Finally, Sen. Lindsey Graham is a shameless liar.
[photo via Talking Points Memo]